Ahead of the Olympics and the Paralympics, Bernie Hillewaert, K2’s Household Goods Specialist based in our Paris Office, provides guidance related to HHG activity in and around the city during the Games.

In this short film, Bernie discusses the following:
- The Opening Ceremony on 26th July – road closures
- Road closures and entrance restrictions to areas where the big events are taking place – access permitted to those with a QR Code
- Applications for QR Codes
- When to organise HHG activity
- Restrictions on a) motorways which connect Paris to its airports, and b) on the A86, one of the main arterial roads around Paris
- The importance of avoidance and pre-planning
The Olympics and the Paralympics will be magnificent events. Whilst they will have a significant impact on HHG activity in and around Paris throughout the summer, K2’s Paris Office will mitigate this impact through meticulous planning. They have already put in applications for multiple QR Codes, and are working closely with their HHG partners to navigate road closures and restrictions. Fully prepped and ready to go, they are excited to “welcome everybody to Paris for the Jeux Olympiques 2024!”