A Summary of Day 15 of K2’s volunteering project in Nepal from worker Emma Kerslake

Rest and recovery was the key theme of today for our volunteers, with the whole team feeling a little fatigued. Luckily, Pokhara offered just that and the day was spent gently exploring the local area, calling home to missed loved ones and catching up with some well needed rest.
As the sun began to drop in the sky, the team were picked up by Pahar Trust project leader Tek and transported to the main office, where a delicious BBQ feast awaited them. Our volunteers got to meet the Pahar Trust team and thank them for looking after us so well during our time in Nepal.
To help us deliver the volunteering side of the Nepal Expedition, we partnered with non-profit organisation, Pahar Trust, whose main aim is to provide children all around Nepal with access to education and hygiene through the rebuilding of earthquake-safe schools and washing facilities.

A Summary of Day 15 of K2’s Everest Base Camp Trek from walker Natasha Wannenburg

Today sees our walkers embarking on the final stage of their trek, leaving the village of Chumoa and heading for the small town of Lukla. Lukla translates as ‘Place with many goats and sheep’, and is home to Lukla Airport/Tenzing-Hillary Airport, which was built in 1964 under the supervision of Sir Edmund Hillary. During the build, the resistance of the runway’s soil emerged as an issue. Rumour has it that Hillary decided to resolve the issue by buying local liquor for the town’s Sherpas; in exchange, the Sherpas performed a foot-stomping dance to flatten the land!

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The charitable initiatives that the Foundation funds focus on helping the children within those communities, children whose futures are bleak or uncertain. Often, the support provided takes the form of education, as this gives children the chance to develop skillsets which can increase the number of opportunities available to them as they grow up.