For the latest episode in K2’s Fireside Talks series, we’re at K255, one of K2’s two UK offices, for a very special catch up with Training & Development Manager, Martini Ong.
Guest host, Global Head of Training, Raffi Cortanyan, seized the opportunity to sit down with Martini, who is normally based in Singapore, when she took time out of her sabbatical travels to stop by and see the K2 Family in Guildford.

Martini has worked for K2 since 2012, and as such is a proud member of K2’s X Annos; a global group of highly valued team members who have been with the business for 10 years or more. In 2023, K2 introduced a special benefit for X Annos employees, entitling them to a three-month paid sabbatical from the business, to travel, pursue passions outside of work or spend in any other way they wish. Testament to the strength of K2’s unique culture, Martini opted to visit some of her UK colleagues and take part in a global Training & Development Team project launch, as well as recording an episode of Fireside Talks, all whilst on her X Annos Sabbatical.

During this Fireside Talks episode, Raffi and Martini spend some time discussing the benefit that K2’s rapidly expanding X Annos and high employee retention have for K2’s clients around the world, as well as delving into some of her highlights from Martini’s time at K2.
The pair go on to speak about the structure of K2’s training and development programme, what Martini’s role entails, and what, in her view, makes a good training and development manager.