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Ken McCully, Head of Commercial – K2 Supply Chain

Hi I’m Ken – Scottish born and bred originally form Glasgow, moved to the South of England some 42 years ago. I joined K2 as employee #3, 19.5 years ago from a retail background, had to quickly learn the ropes of the industry, covering many roles within K2, and am currently Head of Commercial within the Supply Chain Team .

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Prior to joining K2 I spent 23 years in retail, working as a sales assistant in Harrods, 14 years at Sainsburys and 7 years as a Store Manager for B&Q.

When I got the offer to join K2 in 2005 it was a big decision, not knowing the industry but I soon found that a lot of the skills I had learnt and developed in retail applied to my new role, logistics was the key! With only 5 of us at the beginning it was a case of being able to wear many hats and cover many roles. As the company grew, I spent time as Operations manager, worked in finance, Insurance Manager, costings and Vendor Manager.

The most exciting and challenging role was setting up the Group Commercial team over 8 years ago which has now evolved into the K2 Supply Chain team. In the 19 years it has been amazing to see the company grow and develop from a team of 5 with 1 office into what it is now while still retaining its core values and true identity.

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