Today, we introduce you to Shahla Dowley, K2’s passionate, resilient and endlessly curious Bespoke Global Operations Manager.
On 7th March, K2 celebrated International Women’s Day. For us, however, one day just wasn’t enough! Keen to shine a spotlight on as many of the business’ wonderful women as possible, we developed a campaign titled The Women of X Annos, which refers to the K2 women who have been part of the K2 Family for ten years or more. This campaign features a series of written and video interviews through which we explore the personalities, the roles and the formative experiences of K2’s longest standing female employees.
What’s your name, your job title, and how long have you worked at K2?
My name is Shahla Dowley. I am K2’s Bespoke Global Operations Manager, and I have worked at the company for 10 years.
As a member of the X Annos community, what motivates you to keep working at K2?
The opportunities. If I look back at my journey, I started off as a 2-week Summer Temp helping with admin in the UK, a role which then turned into K2’s first year-long undergraduate programme. Now I am sat in the Houston office managing the Global Bespoke team, back under the watch of Phil Hunt, MD of the Americas, who hired me all those years ago.
What does gender inclusivity mean to you?
That all services and opportunities are open to all people, and that stereotypes do not define societal roles and expectations. There should be a culture of respect and value for all employees, regardless of their gender.
What advice would you give to women aspiring to leadership roles in the business world, based on your own experiences and insights? Keep persevering, get involved and don’t be afraid to voice your opinions. A career is a journey and it takes time and effort to achieve your goals – find your passion and stay curious.
How has K2 supported your career growth over the last 10+ years? As previously mentioned, I started as a Summer Temp for 2 weeks; I never expected that role to turn into the career that it has. I have had a lot of support behind me during my time at K2, from Phil Hunt and Linda Rafferty, Head of Compliance & ESG, both of whom took a chance on me following my initial interview, to Amanda Lillie, Head of Client Services Operations Europe, who took me under her wing during my placement year, which I began knowing nothing about relocation or DSP. Another individual to mention, Ken McCully, Head of Commercial, who taught me everything I know about Commercial as a function and allowed me to join the newly-formed Commercial Team as my career progressed. Over the past 5 years I have been fortunate enough to work closely alongside Dan Natoli, MD – Bespoke, building and growing the Bespoke brand from just the two of us to a team of 17 global members. And last but not least, CEO Nick Plummer and Executive Business Director Richard Rutledge, who have always pushed me to keep going.

Can you share a pivotal moment in your career journey, one which has led to a real sense of fulfilment for you?
There have been a few, which I feel is rare for people to be able to say. If I had to pick one, I would have to say K2’s Kinetic Conference in Barcelona in 2022. The challenge of bringing 250 people from all over the world together within a very short timeframe was a mammoth one, but it was one that I loved being part of, and I am so glad that James Marshall, Global Marketing Director, Shelley Jarlett-Hill, Global Marketing Manager, and all the other members of Marketing allowed me to be an honorary member of the Marketing/Conference Team. There were highs and lows throughout, but also some memories that I will never forget. From sitting in a basement room of the W Hotel for 9 hours sorting through the Conference swag, to walking through the pool area and seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces – the latter made the former worth it! One of the main things that we took away from the Conference as a team was that we don’t need external support to help us organise a K2 event; we have all the talent we need in house. And my personal key takeaway: don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, because whilst it may be scary, the rewards are well worth it.
How do you think that K2 is challenging the Status Quo in the global mobility industry?
- By focusing on their people. They ask, they listen, and they deliver. K2 believe that if they have the right people with the right motivation, then the rest will fall into place.
- By disregarding the rule book when it comes to Global Mobility and culture. K2 build their own path and push the boundaries on the traditional way of doing things.
- By focussing heavily on tailoring each of our engagements to each individual client’s needs and requirements. One size doesn’t fit all: often, thinking outside the box and going above and beyond on requests is required.
What do you think the future would look like if we had more female leaders?
Women provide a different set of skills and bring a different perspective to the table. Yet if you look at the Fortune 500 list in America, only 15% of the CEOs listed are women. Having more female leaders now would open up more opportunities for younger generations of females aspiring to become leaders, beginning a positive cause-and-effect cycle.
How can more companies foster a more inclusive and supportive environment for women?
- By letting employees know that inclusion for women is a priority, and that their policies address the issues that women are concerned about.
- By adopting inclusive hiring practices to make their workplace attractive to women, and by ensuring that the language in job adverts doesn’t deter potential female applicants.
- By providing equal opportunities for growth and being able to show these in practice. Also, by closing the Gender Pay Gap.