True Q is the name of K2’s DE&I programme. Built around Q, the collection of qualities which make K2’s employees a family as opposed to a workforce, the True Q programme ensures that DE&I informs all aspects of company life, spanning ethos, culture and service delivery.

The symbiotic relationship between True Q and Q. Our culture celebrates that special something inside each person, applauding the differences that bring us together. We call it the ‘Q’ at K2. Defining Q has always been a tricky task. To put it simply, Q is K2’s soul. It is the way in which we invest in our people through training programmes and reward and recognition schemes.
It is the emphasis that we place on protecting and enriching our culture through astute hiring, and employee empowerment. And it is the effort that we make to maintain and increase connectivity between our twelve offices through collaborative work, communication, feedback, and ensuring everyone has a voice. Q makes us both a family and a Great Place To Work®; without it, we wouldn’t be able to deliver on our ethos of ‘because it’s personal’.

True Q is the name of K2’s DE&I programme and it is the framework which ensures that Q remains the cornerstone of K2’s culture and ensures K2 remains a Great Place To Work for all.
True Q is the name of K2’s DE&I programme and it is the framework which ensures that Q remains the cornerstone of K2’s culture and ensures K2 remains a Great Place To Work for all. True Q has been developed to deliver our message of togetherness and unity throughout K2 Corporate Mobility, K2 Bespoke, AlphaTech® and beyond to our partners, clients, friends & families.
Our focus to cultivate and protect the essence of Q. A vibrant, innovative community and workplace where individuals are empowered to embrace their true authentic selves and unlock their boundless potential. Our aim is to foster a truly inclusive environment that promotes a deep sense of belonging, similar to that of a close and supportive family. Enabling the true essence of Q to shine through each and every one of us.
Listening to what our people have to say
In 2023, we launched an annual DE&I Survey in which we asked all employees to comment – anonymously – on subjects such as discrimination, professional development, safeguarding and politics. We used the data gathered to develop a series of DE&I initiatives which respond to the comments, concerns and ideas voiced by our people. One such initiative is an education programme launching Feb 2024, focusing on protective characteristics.

Producing engaging content which speaks to the importance and the power of DE&I
From informational articles to opinion pieces, infographics to video series, we have created a rich content plan which explores a range of DE&I topics, specifically those which resonate particularly strongly with our employees – as determined through our DE&I Survey. The topics include Training & Education, Recruitment, Leadership, Recognition of Multiple Protected Characteristics, and Removal of Gendered Language. In producing the content, the focus will be on collaboration: employees from across the business will be invited to share knowledge and draw on their own experiences to create content that is both relatable and original. That content will then be shared via our company intranet and conversation around it will be driven by our Global True Q Team, who are in charge of encouraging, collating and responding to feedback.
Ensuring that we are making a meaningful impact
Via our annual DE&I Survey, active feedback channels and public reporting (e.g through our annual Sustainability Report), we will be able to accurately monitor the impact of True Q and evolve it in response to our people’s feedback. Just like our company ethos, ‘because it’s personal’, True Q is people-driven: by leveraging our people’s knowledge and experience, we have created a DE&I programme which is truly aligned with the values of the individuals that it supports. As Andre Gibson, a member of K2’s DE&I Team comments, “we are now in a position to make True Q a powerhouse. We’re confident that with our people’s talent and dedication, along with a generous helping of Q, we’ll be able to create content which sparks conversation, builds connections and drives real impact.”
The power of Q can be felt both internally and externally. Q is what makes us a family as opposed to a workforce – as one of us commented in the Great Place To Work® survey, “The culture doesn’t feel forced; it genuinely feels like a second family.” But the impact of Q isn’t felt only internally. Q characterises everything that we do, from the way that we collaborate with our partners to the way that we provide our clients with a uniquely personal service offering. Therefore, everybody that we engage with feels the benefit of working with a team that is committed to going above and beyond, every single time. In summary, Q is our culture, the K2 DNA, and True Q ensures that DE&I and Q remain at the heart of all we do.