On 19th November, K2 celebrated International Men’s Day. But as with International Women’s Day, for us, one day just wasn’t enough!
Keen to delve into the rich stories of as many of the business’ wonderful men as possible, we developed a campaign titled The Men of X Annos, which refers to the K2 men who have been part of the K2 Family for ten years or more. This campaign features a series of written and video interviews through which we explore the characters, the careers and the defining experiences of K2’s longest standing male employees. Today, we turn the spotlight onto Richard Rutledge, our approachable, invested and knowledge-hungry Executive Business Director and Co-Owner.

What’s your name, your job title and how long have you worked at K2?
Richard Rutledge | Executive Business Director and Co-Owner | 21 years
What do you think is the value of celebrating days like International Men’s Day?
I think that International Men’s Day is an extremely valuable initiative, especially from an inclusivity perspective, as it’s sometimes easy to overlook the fact that males experience the same challenges as other genders.
The theme of International Men’s Day 2024 is positive male role models:

Who do you consider to be a positive male role model and why?
From the past, I think that Mahatma Ghandi has to be my icon: his utter commitment, message of peace, and approach to reconciliation is hugely inspiring. He wasn’t always right or indeed 100% successful, but he motivated millions of people. Another positive male role model for me is Dale Carnegie, who has had a big impact on how I conduct myself personally. And from the present, Matt Hampson and my colleague and friend of 30 years, Mr. Nick Plummer!

How do you strive to be a positive male role model?
By being open, approachable and supportive of my family, friends, K2 colleagues and K2 stakeholders.
Men’s wellbeing is a subject that is spoken about a lot on International Men’s Day:

What does wellbeing mean to you?
Being healthy, fit and interested in what’s going on around me.
Do you think that society needs to do more to promote men’s wellbeing?
Yes – through emphasising simple values and sharing simple messages.

What impact does workplace culture have on wellbeing?
An enormous impact! We spend most of our lives working, and so from a health and wellbeing perspective, having a strong workplace culture is hugely important – just as important as commercial strength and stability. I think that K2 does strong workplace culture very well.

What advice would you give to a young man who is just starting out in his career?
Be honest and open always. And if you’re in the wrong, admit it immediately and emphatically.

What do you do on a regular basis to help you remain positive (professionally, personally or both)?
I try to stay healthy (mostly!) and to read as much as I can. I also try to apply what I’ve read and learned in order to help myself and others succeed.