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The previous instalment in this series, Expat Life in the UAE, took a deep dive into the characteristics of different residential areas in Dubai. In our third and final article, we turn our attention to another important consideration when relocating to Dubai: education. Finding the right school requires expert knowledge of the available institutions and their accessibility.

The Current State of School Placements in Dubai
In 2023, almost 100,000 people relocated to the UAE. Since then, enrolment in private schools has increased by 12%. This has put a strain on the availability of school placements, resulting in extensive waitlists. Competition for placements in well-established schools is particularly high.

Preparing for Relocation
Before relocating to the UAE (or any other country), two key preparatory actions are recommended when enrolling a child in a school:

  1. Apply to schools as soon as possible. The earlier applications to schools are made, the higher the chance of securing a placement.
  2. Have a backup option. Having at least one backup option provides a safeguard in the event of an application to a first-choice school being unsuccessful.

Secure a School Placement with K2
K2’s full suite of international relocation services is designed to make every aspect of an employee’s relocation to another country as smooth as possible. As discussed in the previous article on residential areas in Dubai, employee preferences and requirements must be considered in order to make the best possible match between an employee and their new area of residence. The same is true when matching a family to a school placement.

K2’s relocation specialists are experts in identifying the current and future elements of a family’s schooling requirements. They utilise their comprehensive knowledge of the available schooling options to pair families with schools perfectly suited to the educational needs of their children.

Contact us today