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Through our 2022 Sustainability Report, our first instance of public reporting, we documented our sustainability programme, setting out both our achievements and our targets. By making this information publicly available, we provided our stakeholders with clarity and detail relating to K2’s environmental, social and governance strategies. In addition, we used the content for further public reporting,

including our first CDP Assessment, submitted in June 2023, and our first Communication On Progress (COP), submitted in November 2023. Reporting is critical to a strong governance programme. It enables a company to identify areas for improvement, to set targets, and to continually adapt/evolve their approach in what is an ever-changing sustainability landscape.

Great Place To Work® is the global authority on workplace culture. They define a great place to work as one where everyone, no matter who they are or what they do, has a consistently positive experience.

The company’s leaders are caring and foster an environment in which everyone has a purpose, can contribute new ideas and is able to access the resources that they need to thrive in their role.

K2 Iryna Zahorivska smiling at a computer

In 2022, K2 employees across nine countries and twelve cities completed the Great Place To Work® survey, and in 2023, we achieved the associated certification. This, specifically the 96% employee satisfaction rate which the survey returned, enabled us to prove that the employee wellbeing, professional development, and reward and recognition areas of our governance programme are operating extremely successfully.

We used data from 2021 to establish our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions baseline which were verified with an external third party to give us an accurate result. We have since continued with our emissions reporting and plan to publish the full breakdown of our 2023 scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions in the coming months through our Sustainability report. The results of our emissions report have allowed us to start

the process of setting meaningful reduction targets backed by science that Science Based Targets initiative which have been sent off and are expected back in the near future. Establishing a programme to measure our emissions, plus ensuring that all data gathered is publicly reported has enabled us to demonstrate the strength, depth and transparency of our ESG programme.

With an EcoVadis Gold medal, K2 sits within the top 5% of the 125,000 companies rated in 2023. Whilst we are incredibly proud of this achievement, we are also acutely aware that K2 doesn’t exist as a siloed entity; we operate as part of an extensive supply chain, and so share the responsibility for the sustainability of our partners. In the next article within this series, due to be published next month, we will explore the progress made by our partners within the field of sustainability.