For the past few months, we’ve spoken, written and posted about our upcoming Nepal Trip a great deal. We’ve discussed the purpose of the venture, introduced you to our daring participants, and updated you on the progress of the São Paulo school which we are rebuilding with the funds raised through the trip. Now, with just four days to go until the Nepal Team begin their adventure, we’d like to talk a little bit about the trip as a venture which helps to strengthen the K2 community.
K2 is not your traditional corporate. Walk into any K2 office around the world and you will feel a powerful sense of community. Just as a community celebrates the achievements of its members and strives to enrich its local area, K2 recognises those who go above and beyond for colleagues, partners and clients through a range of reward and recognition schemes such as Q, and gives back to the regions in which it operates through the work of the K2 Foundation.

A community can also play a significant role in driving both regional and global sustainability initiatives. These range from community members encouraging each other to reuse and recycle items at home and in the office, to supporting global goals through local government schemes and strategic business plans. At K2, we work as a team to increase the amount of waste that we recycle, with each office submitting recycling figures which are published in our annual Sustainability Report. In addition, we have committed to operating as a responsible global citizen: to this end, we have become a participant member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), thus joining an international community which is working to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Dig down into the heart of a traditional corporate and you will find an overarching desire to make money. But do the same with a community, and you will find empathy, respect and a multitude of shared goals. K2’s business model sees it combining corporate and community, resulting in a company whose commercial drive and acumen never overwhelm its commitment to treating its employees, partners and clients as people, bringing a personal touch to everything that it does.
The Nepal Trip is just one of many K2 initiatives/ventures/activities which help to make the company a community. This community culture is K2’s ultimate USP, enabling it to provide its clients with a service that is truly personal. For us, service delivery is about empathy, respect and truly seeing the real people behind the global mobility programme. For us, it truly is personal.