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On April 27th, K2 hosted the Midlands Global Mobility Forum (MGMF) at KPMG offices in central Birmingham. The event brings together a number of global mobility and HR professionals from around the Midlands to network and knowledge share on a number of important mobility topics. 


Hosted by K2’s Richard Rutledge and supported by Emma Kerslake, Tom Drew and Helen Squibb, attendees enjoyed a number of interactive workshops and discussions, delivered by our special guest speakers. 


The event began with an introduction from Richard, covering K2’s latest CSR updates: The K2 Foundation, Nepal Expedition, and Race to the Stones.  


KPMG then followed and hosted a session on the ever-changing landscape of global mobility, covering the rise of remote working since Covid-19, and how Brexit has complicated the UK/ EU mobility landscape. They also hosted an interactive poll, inviting attendees to vote on key topics using their mobiles. Click HERE to view the results. 


Invited to speak next was K2’s own Global Head of Training Raffi Cortanyan, who shared a personal experience of resistance and conscious bias during a relocation. He explored the topic of DE&I (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), and what global mobility can do to improve and facilitate the relocation experience for individuals within the LGBT+ community.  


The final session of the morning was hosted by Johan de Kam, a global mobility researcher from Warwick University. Johan’s interactive workshop discussed the importance of wellbeing during relocation – a topic not often covered within global mobility. Audience members were invited to share thoughts and experiences of assignee wellbeing challenges during relocations and provide solutions for dealing with these issues.  


The event concluded with a lunch and networking session, with attendees commenting on how valuable the session was: “I just wanted to say how great the session was yesterday – the conversations are always so interesting and relevant!” (Attendee feedback received via email) 

Thank you to all who joined us for another amazing MGMF event, and please look out for our next event later in the year.