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No half measures

We take compliance and professional standards incredibly seriously

So seriously in fact that unlike any competitor our size, we have invested in ensuring full-time oversight to our dedicated Global Head of Compliance and board-level director with direct responsibility for compliance.

We make certain that we are robust in conducting our business in full compliance with all of the industry, national and international laws and regulations, professional standards and recognised business and internal practices.

All employees have anti-bribery, anti-corruption, accountability, data protection and confidentiality clauses within their terms and conditions, which are further addressed within the K2 handbook. Additionally, all of our partners also have anti-bribery and anti-corruption clauses built into their service level agreements. These are managed through our Global Approved Partner Programme and are reviewed annually.

Exceptional credentials

ISO 9001 Logo

ISO 9001
Quality management

This standard demonstrates our ability to consistently deliver service standards that meet both our clients and regulatory needs. It proves we do what we say we do and have the appropriate measures and procedures in place to ensure consistency and improvement – all leading to higher levels of performance and customer satisfaction. It certifies that we are committed to continuous improvement: streamlining activities, enhancing consistency, reducing costs and improving management practices.

We have held this certification since 2016. We perform monthly internal audits and are assessed by the British Assessment Bureau annually to ensure progress is being maintained.

Policies available on request.

ISO 14001 Logo

ISO 14001
Environment management

This standard demonstrates our commitment to effective environment management and compliance. As a caring and responsible employer who wants to contribute to building a better future this certification is key.

To achieve certification we have developed an environmental policy and action plan to proactively manage our impact on the environment. It shows we are committed to continuous improvement, operational excellence and reduced wastage. We have held this certification since 2016. We perform monthly internal audits and are assessed by the British Assessment Bureau annually to ensure progress is being maintained.

Policies available on request.

ISO 27001 Logo

ISO 27001
InfoSec management

This standard rubber stamps our assessment and prevention of information security risks and certifies our implementation and maintenance of key technical, organisational and security measures and procedures. It also demonstrates our commitment to keeping our client and relocating employee data secure. It validates that we regularly review our policies, procedures and contracts and have strict controls in place to ensure they are adhered to. To comply, our employees are also contractually obligated to maintain the confidentiality of any customer data which continues even after the assignment ends.

We regularly train our employees in relevant security procedures and their respective roles, as well as keeping them informed of the consequences of breaching the rules and procedures. We have held this certification since 2016. We perform monthly internal audits and are assessed by the British Assessment Bureau annually to ensure procedures are being maintained.

Policies available on request.

Data protection

We are required to maintain certain personal data about individuals for the purposes of satisfying operational and legal obligations. We take this seriously, fully recognising the importance of correct and lawful treatment of personal data both morally and to maintain confidence in our organisation as a professional, well-run entity, underpinning our ability to provide secure and effective operations.

In adherence to our data protection policies and to ensure we remain in line with our ISO 9001, 14001 and 27001 accreditation requirements, all of our employees worldwide are subject to mandatory induction and refresher training programmes. These blend awareness raising, best practice sharing and more technical and practical information, followed by online examinations that all employees are required to pass.

Transfer of information and data between our client base, relocating employees, and internal consultants takes place via our secure online applications. All of our devices are encrypted and we have Mimecast encryption for the safe transfer of sensitive data. Annual penetration testing is carried out on our online platforms and internal and external networks. All of these measures and processes are documented and monitored to ensure: integrity of data, that knowledge is maintained and that only authorised access is permitted.

Cyber Essentials Plus

K2 are certified with Cyber Essentials Plus, demonstrating our organisation’s commitment to cyber security. Backed by the UK government’s National Cyber Security Centre, this certification focuses on the five key technical controls: firewalls, secure configuration, user access control, malware protection and patch management. Certification ensures that our system’s defences are working to the rigorous high standards of an independent IASME appointed external auditor and that we have the full measures in place to effectively safeguard our business operations and those of our stakeholders.

Part of the team

Professional standards

We take a dedicated interest in the personal development of all of our employees. We believe gaining qualifications and life experiences is fundamental to building the confidence and satisfaction of our teams.

We invest in our people and provide the training and development opportunities they need to successfully perform their role today and the roles that we will need to support our clients in the future.

Ongoing development

Training across the board

We have numerous channels of training and development both in-house, online and by using external providers.

These cover a range of areas such as effective management, presentation skills, issue resolution, technical courses in Microsoft Toolbox, as well as important industry-related specialisations such as the Worldwide ERC’s global mobility specialist certification. This commitment to a rich and diverse training package has led to us having an industry leading proportion of GMS, GMS-Talent and Certified Relocation Professional employees who are experts in their field.

Setting goals

In-depth understanding as standard

Professionals with the GMS certifications have an in-depth understanding of international mobility for international assignments, issues surrounding spouses and families, visa and immigration considerations and tax consequences.

Following each of our twice yearly reviews and appraisal processes – where performance is reviewed in line with role requirements, established pre-set goals and company and client key performance indicators – training and development needs are identified and tracked by our HR team. Our Ascent IT platform also provides our teams with full visibility of their performance-based metrics, contributing to each line manager’s ability to assess training needs that may be required to reach full potential.

Get in touch to learn more about how we can help mobilise your workforce