I’m very determined to achieve meaningful change in ESG and sustainability through collaboration with our partners and the wider global mobility industry. Whilst travelling in the Amazon rainforest and the Galapagos Islands a few years ago I saw firsthand the fragility and complexity of our ecosystem and biodiversity, and the extreme adverse impacts human activity can have on our environment. It really brought home to me the level and urgency of the challenge after seeing the huge amounts of plastic in our oceans and waste pollution in the towns and cities I visited with my family.
We have all seen the effects of climate change on our local and global environments and have concerns for the future. I want to ensure K2 plays our part in committing to action for a better tomorrow. Now, more than ever, is the time to deliver significant change.
View & download our
’23 ESG & Sustainability Report Now

We have achieved the Gold Award in year two of our EcoVadis assessment.
EcoVadis is the provider of the world’s most trusted business sustainability ratings. The first time that we were assessed by EcoVadis, in autumn 2022, we achieved a Silver Medal – very difficult to achieve through an inaugural assessment!
This year, the first time that we were reassessed, we are delighted to announce that we achieved a Gold Medal. To discover how our overall score for this year compares to our overall score for last year, and to explore the steps that we took to ensure that we achieved a Gold Medal, please head over to Insights.

2022 - 2026
Kinetic Journey
We are expanding and accelerating our commitments and action on ESG and sustainability.
Making it one of the six strategic priorities of our 5 year strategy, focusing on:
- Broadening our understanding of sustainability.
- Understanding where we can make a material difference with our initiatives.
- Increasing the speed at which change is made.
How we're achieving this...
Completed Actions:
- Completed an annual CoP report as part of the UNGP.
- Disclose our carbon emissions and climate-related business actions through the CDP.
- Set emissions scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions targets through the Science Based Targets initiative.
- EcoVadis Gold Rating: Achieved a Gold rating, placing K2 in the top 5% of 125,000+ companies rated.
- Expanded training resources for all employees globally.
Linda Rafferty, Global Head of Compliance and ESG (pictured), a leader in the field of Compliance & ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), heads our dedicated team. With her expertise and guidance, we are able to consistently deliver on all of our commitments to our clients and partners.
What we're working toward...
Ongoing Actions:
- University of Bath Partnership: Engaging in projects focused on sustainable supply chains and systemic mindset change.
- Waste and Plastic Reduction: Working with the supply chain to reduce plastic usage and commit further to sustainable practices.
- Employee Engagement and Volunteering: Sustainability Champions lead regional initiatives, such as clean-up drives and recycling awareness campaigns.
- Continued UNGC Participation: Commitment to the United Nations Global Compact principles and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Increased focus on DE&I, engaging new DE&I partners to support diversity initiatives and obtain a certification in diversity and inclusion in additional to certifying as a Disability Confident employer.
- Continue to conduct regular DE& I surveys annually to employees, to measure progress and identify areas for improvement.
- Further Development of the K2 Foundation by continuing to support educational projects and establish additional charitable partnerships.
What's to come...
Future Targets:
- Work towards our SBTi targets: reduce our scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions 42% by 2030 from a 2021 base year. Reduce our scope 3 emissions to reach net-zero by 2050. As part of this, reduce our scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions 90% by 2050 from a 2021 base year.
- 55% of our supply chain spend rated on EcoVadis by the end of 2024, with an average score of 50 – leading to an ultimate goal of 70% of our supply chain by spend rated on EcoVadis.
- Achieve EcoVadis Platinum Rating by 2026.
- Expanded Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sourcing: Incorporate renewable energy sources in all K2 offices where possible, targeting 100% renewable energy usage in all locations by 2030.
- Use the results of our studies with the University of Bath to implement sustainable practices and nudges through ongoing collaboration with our supply chain.
- Provide detailed carbon emissions data to help clients map their scope 3 emissions and suggest methods for emissions reductions.
- Improve our CDP score to a B.
Assessing K2 and partner performance through EcoVadis
We can only achieve meaningful change in collaboration with our Global Accredited Partner Programme (GAPP) partners, clients and the wider global mobility industry. In our Sustainability Discovery Survey 2021, over 80% of our service partners told us that action to increase sustainability is also important to their company.
To do this effectively, we are developing our transparency and analysis to make sure that we live up to our standards and expectations, as well as those of our clients. We have partnered with EcoVadis, a global sustainability ratings company, to make an ongoing assessment of our sustainability credentials and progress.

Proud members of
UN Global Compact
In February 2022, K2 joined the UN Global Compact (UNGC) and formally committed to the UNGC’s ten principles regarding human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption — making them part of our strategy, culture and daily operations. K2 has agreed to set goals in each of these areas and be transparent and accountable in its performance by publicly reporting our progress every year.
Further commitment
UN Sustainable
Development Goals
We have also committed to delivering action on five of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2022 — (5) gender equality, (8) decent work and economic growth, (12) responsible consumption and production, (15) life on land, and (17) partnerships for the goals.