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What do we offer?

We offer a service which extends well beyond the traditional parameters of expense management, encompassing all areas of relocation accounting.

However robust and efficient an internal expense management system is, its value will be compromised if the processes that surround it – e.g., tax data provision and supplier management – don’t operate with the same efficiency and fall short from a compliance perspective.

With this in mind, our offering can encompass all of the following:

  • Implementation of a process for collecting, maintaining and distributing expense data
  • Full audit trail
  • Payment reconciliation
  • Cost recharging
  • Tax data provision including tax refund management
  • Multiple payment types – different currencies, cross-border, fast track and same day
  • Global payment processing
  • Global expense processing
  • Bespoke and cutting-edge app to facilitate expense claims
  • Supplier management
  • Exception management and associated policy recommendations

What makes us different?

Not only do we take responsibility for the expense management function, we also develop a robust framework to support it.

This makes the connections between different financial processes more visible, thus ensuring that all areas of relocation accounting are aligned.

For example, it allows us to ensure that the way in which suppliers are managed doesn’t conflict with the expense data collection process. In addition, our bespoke, cutting-edge app which facilitates compliance/assesses expense claims reduces paperwork, admin hours and margin for error.

We will use data collected through K2’s expense management processes to help identify any opportunities for cost and process efficiencies, policy enhancements and tax compliance. This information can be shared directly with your internal finance team or other stakeholders including Big 4 advisors.

Get in touch to discuss how we can help with your relocation accounting needs

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